Friday Can't Come Soon Enough
5:47 p.m. - 2003-11-18

Three. More. Days.

Only three more days until my blissful, wonderful, awe-inspiring trip to Florida begins. Tres dias until I can lounge about in a spacious condo and bask on the beach to my little heart's content. (Which, honestly, probably won't be much, seeing as how I don't think that either myself or anyone else will be particularly happy with viewing my ass in a bathing suit.) Oh least I'll get to listen to the waves.

My back has been killing me for the past couple of days, and I don't quite understand why. More specifically, it's my butt, hips and very upper thigh region that just plain ACHES, regardless of what I do. Well, there are intermittent twinges of pain in my upper back region, too, so I guess that just saying "my back hurts" is sufficient.

But, seriously, the pain. It hurts to stand. It hurts to sit. It hurts to walk. It even hurts to lie down, and sleeping is very difficult. I swear, my body is slowly falling apart. This time next year I'll be lucky to still have my head. (Speaking of my head, it is aching as well, and no amount of Tylenol seems to make any difference.) Gah. I should just kill myself and get it over with. But then I'd miss Florida, and a week's break from school, and that would suck. Because I'm craving a vacation more than is probably imaginable.

As an indicator of how my week has been going, I'll tell you that I've had TWO kids suspended so far. (Well, technically one was suspended on Friday, but still. They've been terrible.) I knew before I even sent them to the office that they were going to have to go home, but did I care? Hell no. Because they've been intent on making my days unbearable for the past four months, and they deserved a swift kick in the ass. I doubt they even get that from their parents, but at least the thought puts a wistful smile on my face.

Mid-term progress reports are due tomorrow, so I guess that I should go get busy. I have more than a few papers to grade and record, and I'm not the least bit excited about it. Oh, for a job that actually ends when you leave it.

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I am: so very many things. A mother, a wife, a dreamer, a lover of animals and babies, a friend. I've been called a bitch, but if that's what you call someone who stands up for what they believe in and refuses to settle, then I guess the title fits.

loves: my family, horses, a full night's sleep, puppy breath, my daughter's laughter, thunderstorms, bubble baths, makeup, soft sheets, David Sedaris and Augusten Burroughs, wine, massages, the written word, and sour straws.

dislikes: closed minds, depression, pimples, extreme heat, math, panic attacks, black licorice, doing laundry, white chocolate, gin, Bush.
