5:01 p.m. - 2004-09-22

I'm aware that my diary is currently missing the picture. It's pissing me off, but I don't have the time or energy to try to figure out what to do, so for now we'll all just have to cringe at the ugly red X in the far right hand corner of the screen.

Go ahead. Cringe.

Have the dreaded lesson plans to do tonight, which means I'll be working for no less than three hours on them. I'm not looking forward to it, and if you live at or plan on coming by my house, you're on your own for dinner.

As far as I can tell, Alan's feeling better, so that's good. I'm exhausted, like always, but that's to be expected. Chasing around a bunch of 6-7 year olds takes a lot out of a person.

I had to write one of my students up today, even though I didn't really want to. The kid is a holy terror--always rolling around on the floor, screaming at me, at his classmates, hiding under tables, throwing broken crayons, and completely disrupting every lesson. To make matters worse, he's actually one of the most intelligent kids in the class, but he has serious anger management issues and absolutely no self control whatsoever.

I've tried repeatedly to get in contact with his mother, but there's only one number listed for him, and no one ever answers. I'm beginning to wonder if the woman even exists. I guess I'll find out soon enough, though, because little D. can't come back until we have a student/parent/teacher/principal conference. Maybe they'll show tomorrow, but I have serious doubts.

On a completely unrelated note, I walked out with one of the kindergarten teachers today, and she said, "You know, when I think of composure, I always think of President Bush. He always looks so calm and smiling when he's delivering those speeches. Do you think the man ever just goes OFF on people?"

I looked at her very strangely, and didn't bother with a response. Not only do I not admire Bush's "composure," I loathe the man with every fibre of my body. Just hearing or reading his name makes me want to throw something. Hard.

Speaking of politics, I have a LOT to say about the recent amendment that was passed to the Louisiana constitution, but I'll save that for another entry. Suffice it to say that I'm pissed beyond words, and the way that they worded/handled the situation was completely under-handed and a classic case of dirty politics. I'm sure that half the people who voted didn't really have a clue what they were voting for, because the ballot was worded so mysteriously that even I had trouble understanding whether I was supposed to click "For" or "Against." Had I not read up on it a couple days prior, I'd have most likely voted "For," and would've pitched a hellacious fit when I realized what I'd done. Stupid fucking politics.

They're saying that there are going to be a hell of a lot of appeals, and that there's a possibility that it'll be overturned. I have serious doubts about that, but at least there are people willing to fight.

I'm sure there's more to tell, but I'm really not in the mood. Teacher's manuals and lesson plan books await me, and though I don't want to pay them a visit, I have to do it.

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I am: so very many things. A mother, a wife, a dreamer, a lover of animals and babies, a friend. I've been called a bitch, but if that's what you call someone who stands up for what they believe in and refuses to settle, then I guess the title fits.

loves: my family, horses, a full night's sleep, puppy breath, my daughter's laughter, thunderstorms, bubble baths, makeup, soft sheets, David Sedaris and Augusten Burroughs, wine, massages, the written word, and sour straws.

dislikes: closed minds, depression, pimples, extreme heat, math, panic attacks, black licorice, doing laundry, white chocolate, gin, Bush.
